Jess Taylor Memorial Golf Tournament
2005 Stats

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2005 Tournament Statistics



Who Plays with Jess's "sticks"?  

Raffle Winner: Adam Sweeney




Team Awards

1st Place Team: Adam Sweeney, Blake, Steve

2nd Place Team: Tyler Saries, Brain Gaffney, Adam Yound, Cory Tweed

3rd Place Team: Click here to tell us who won this.

Highest Score Team: Click here to tell us who won this.

Individual Awards

Long Drive Men: Cory Tweed

Long Drive Women: Twila Bennett

Shortest Drive: Click here to tell us who won this.

KP Men: Click here to tell us who won this.

KP Women: Betsie Stark

Longest Putt: Click here to tell us who won this.


Golf:                                21 Teams, 84 Golfers

Golf and BBQ:                    104 Attendees